Team Approach

Not just any coaching platform -- one that will take your entire team to the highest levels!

Build the dream YOU want

True passion springs from deep inside and cannot be created artificially.

Surround yourself with the right people. 

We will build your team assuring each person on your team will fully commit themselves to a project, cause, or objective! 

That passion is contagious and shows a high level of genuineness, all of which are required to build your dream.

Platinum Rule

I will show you how to use the right tools to understand people so THEY will provide the personal investment in you and your team. 

Your team will WANT to achieve for the better of the team when they are treated right.

Guiding you to have the right person in the right seat, assuring they are in a role that fits with who they naturally are is key to improving your bottom line.

Team Accountability

We all know that to be accountable is to accept accountability for one's own conduct.

What takes you to the next level is understanding that a culture that encompasses your entire team with accountability is essential.

It will be freeing for all professionals to thrive, grow and excel in a team that promotes accountability because everyone recognizes their individual control over their own actions and attitudes.


Team growth occurs when a person is dedicated to the process of self-improvement AND applies that to your team.

Commitment to team goals, having a team mindset, while following a proven system. 

Team members have to be ready to handle stumbles, trips and falls, pick themselves up, dust themselves off, then go back at it.  Tenacity as an individual within a team will help all members achieve their goals.

Team Growth

Helping you with analytical tools to find your integrator that will drive your vision to the highest levels!

Each person having well defined goals that they focus on is essential, having an integrator to put the plan into motion is life changing!


Using analytical tools to identify areas needing improvement.  Assuring the right fit for all employees, contractors, and partners in your business.

Analyzing traits and behaviors, applying what you have learned so that you can improve your team.  Significantly improved financial results AND allow you to free up your time!


Assuring you are always able to be on offense, not defense, so that you can continuously improve your operations.

Individual Approach

Coaching individual professionals with all levels of experience and LAUNCHING their careers to amazing levels!

Build Your Individual Dream

True passion springs from deep inside and cannot be created artificially.

Surround yourself with the right people.  Each person on your team that will fully commit themselves to a project, cause, or objective! 

That passion is contagious and shows a high level of genuineness, all of which are required to build your dream.


We all know that to be accountable is to accept accountability for one's own conduct.

What takes YOU to the next level is understanding that you have full control over your own actions and attitude.  

Accepting responsibility for your failures will not only help you grow, it will help you to see the true success of being accountable to your SELF.


Personal growth occurs when a person is dedicated to the process of self-improvement.

Commitment to goals AND commitment to yourself, your family and your legacy.

Commitment to your character, to be the best person you can be. Be true to your commitment to your values, even when others are not looking.

Professional Development

The pursuit of lifelong learning is essential for development and sheds light on what it takes to realize our potential.

I will help you to find areas that development is needed, recommend books, videos, and connections with others that will shape you and your future the best you possible.


Building a relationship of trust and transparency will help you to eliminate barriers to your success.  

You will have confidence in knowing that you are working with someone with high ethics, understanding, and personal experiences to guide you with your challenges and successes.


Developing your personal process.  Your own version of lather-rinse-repeat so that you have the ability to do so much more each day.  Finding your personal process will create an engine that drives additional business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will you create a customized plan for my needs?

Yes, connect with me about your personal needs and we can develop a customized plan.

How will I be billed?

Packages will be invoiced 50% at booking, 25% at the onset and the balance due at project completion.

Retainers are billed monthly.

Hourly clients will be invoiced in increments of 10 one hour sessions.  Payment in full prior to commencement. 

Fees for recommended partners will follow their fee schedule.

What are the rates of your services?

Retainers, packages and hourly rates are available.  Let's discuss your needs and find a fit for your budget.

Do you accept credit card payments?

Yes!  3% credit card surcharge will be applied to all invoice EXCEPT retainer fees.

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